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killall -CONT -m firefox
Suspends all Firefox Threads. Results in Zero CPU load.
Useful when having 100+ Tabs open and you temporarily need the power elsewhere.
Be careful - might produce RACE CONDITIONS or LOCKUPS in other processes or FF itself.
matching is case sensitive.
"killall -USR1 dd" does not work in OS X for me. However, sending INFO instead of USR1 works. Show Sample Output
Ever since the switch to pulseaudio, Ubuntu users including myself have found themselves with no sound intermittently. To fix this, just use this command and restarts firefox or mplayer or whatever.
every 1sec sends DD the USR1 signal which causes DD to print its progress. Show Sample Output
if you need see progress of long dd command, enter subj on other console Show Sample Output
This will kill all. e.g. killall firefox
The following command will clone usb stick inside /dev/sdc to /dev/sdd Double check you got the correct usb sticks (origional-clone)with fdisk -l.
Hides all Files and Folders on the MacOS Desktop. To show files and folders, type "true" instead of "false". "Finder" at the end is case sensitive, "finder" doesn’t work
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) introduced a new, 3D, reflective Dock. For those of us who prefer the Dock to be a little less distracting, this command is the answer. The Dock will be rendered in the same style as when pinned to the left- or right-hand side of the screen. Replace YES with NO to restore the 3D Dock.
Uses process signal to play next selection
This kills Activity Monitor
Dashboard is OS X utility application. When you hit F12, Dashboard springs forward, dimming the background, some people have claimed memory or performance problems. In my case, I just don't use it, there may be other reasons you?d rather not have Dashboard available. Change YES to NO to restore the previous functionality.
This command is suitable to use as application launching command for a desktop shortcut. It checks if the application is already running by pgrepping its process ID, and offer user to kill the old process before starting a new one. It is useful for a few x11 application that, if re-run, is more likely a mistake. In my example, x2vnc is an x11 app that does not quit when its connection is broken, and would not work well when a second process establish a second connection after the first broken one. The LC_ALL=C for xmesseng is necessary for OpenSUSE systems to avoid a bug. If you don't find needing it, remove the "env LC_ALL=C" part
Place it in your bashrc and running the command radio it will turn on or off each time it runs. Only one command needed. Obviously you can set it to any station you like.
This is usefull when we don't know the exact name of the process, but the application name A limitation is that the regular expression only tries to match the last part of the full command (i.e. the bin file name itself). But this is way shorter than the following one: ps axww | grep SomeCommand | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs kill Show Sample Output
requires sp-auth installed This command will auto kill sp-sc after vlc is closed, so u wont have to do it manually
Insert an additional (moveable) spacer on the left side of the Dock in Mac OS X
Insert an additional (moveable) spacer on the right side of the Dock in Mac OS X
The other 2 commands that are listed will also kill the egrep process and any libexec processes because the .exe isn't escaped so it is really using . meaning anything containing exe. The command i posted escapes the (dot) in .exe and then filters the actual egrep process so that it doesn't get killed before the other processes being killed. Also added the -9 switch for kill to send sigterm to the processes, in case people are wondering why processes aren't getting killed after running just kill . This should work better for people :)
easiest method to kill Google Chrome
I use this loop for a variety of things. If a process won't die, I try to ask it nicely to let it die gracefully, and then i use killall and kill -9 to end its life. This will run the program killall and then start it again when it completes, indefinately.
Purges DNS cache of OS X. dscacheutil -flushcache does not work since OS X 10.7. Show Sample Output
Example: killall - HUP firefox Closes all instances processes matching firefox. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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