Will run the script as root and exit if the wrong or no password is given. Also will keep the parameters active if any where given.
See man wget if you want linked files and not only those hosted on the website.
No need for the ls -r and a sort is also not really needed. Show Sample Output
Fetch comical VC commit messages from whatthecommit.com
replace the "-" by the character you wish. If you have multiple extentions, like jpef, jpg and JPG you could use
mmv "*-*.*" "#1.#3"
Numbers are less understandable then words. Also this may put out a different result.
Batch rename extension of all files in a folder, in the example from .txt to .md mmv most likely must be installed, but is very powerfull when you want to move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns.
Place it in your bashrc and running the command radio it will turn on or off each time it runs. Only one command needed. Obviously you can set it to any station you like.
Kills all xmms running
Loop is needed if you have more then one card. Show Sample Output
This will get the sunrise and sunset times of a specific location. To be able to determine $l you need to first go to http://weather.yahoo.com/ and look up your location. The last numbers in the URL will be the $l Instead of forecastrss?w=$l you can also use forecastrss?p=$l and use the RSS link of the city you found. Also see http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/ for more information Show Sample Output
That should be a short as it can get.
Just a few minor changes. First the usage of lynx instead of curl so no sed is needed to revert the spaces. Then the usages of egrep instead of grep -e to save a few characters and last the removal of the extra 0. Show Sample Output
GeoIP Needs to be installed. Can be done from some distro's or via MaxMind.com for free. There even is a free city database availabble. If the GeoLiteCity is downloaded and installed it will also find more information
geoiplookup -f /var/lib/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat commandlinefu.com
GeoIP City Edition, Rev 1: US, NJ, Absecon, 08201, 39.420898, -74.497704, 504, 609
Show Sample Output
This will turn it in an infinite loop and also shows random words from a file, so it won't be the same each time and also not just a number.
This will kill all. e.g. killall firefox
This will generate 3 paragraphs with random text. Change the 3 to any number. Show Sample Output
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