Not always does Xorg run on :0. For times like those, this script allows you to find out which it is.
strips html from stdin Show Sample Output
the "delay" utility is an invaluable tool for me. with gnu-screen it allows you to schedule something and have it run and output to the current terminal, unlike "at". You can also use it like "sleep" with seconds and also with date: delay until 13:33 friday && echo test get it from: (author: Tom Rothamel)
You need: pxz for the actual work ( The function could be better with better multifile and stdin/out support.
you may create an alias also, which I did ;-) alias sshu="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null "
every 1sec sends DD the USR1 signal which causes DD to print its progress. Show Sample Output
piping through 'pv' shows a simple progress/speed bar for dd. This is a replacement for my otherwise favorite 'while :;do killall -USR1 dd;sleep 1;done' Show Sample Output
Show a simple table with disk IO for the specified host. you monitor a LOT of different thing. Mostly used for MRTG and similar, but this is nice for a quick look, which disk is busy. "public" is your SNMP community ensure that snmpd is running on the host which you intend to monitor Show Sample Output
Do this with caution.
Windows only: stops windows update and the nagging restart window. You need your admin password for this one. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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