Commands by andreisid (14)

What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Find the package that installed a command

Erase to factory a pendrive, disk or memory card, and watch the progress

List upcoming events on google calendar
Requires googlecl ( Even better when you wrap this in a script and allow the --date=STRING to be $1. Then you can type: whatson "next Thursday" The date string for UNIX date is very flexible. You can also add --cal "[regex]" to the end for multiple calendars.

Step#2 Create a copy of the bootload and partition table!
Step#2 Create a copy of the bootload and partition table!

Compose 2 images to 1
Compose 2 images (foreground.jpg with background.jpg) into 1 (image.jpg), the numeric parameters stablish the size of the foreground.jpg image (96x96) and the position x,y (+250+70) relative to the background.jpg image. Images can be any format, jpg, png, bmp, etc...

Find the package that installed a command

Create a file of a given size in linux
if the fs support sparse file,using truncate can create sparse file.

Lookup errno defintions
Calls the POSIX strerror() function to look up the meaning of integer ERRNOs set by some functions.

Start COMMAND, and kill it if still running after 5 seconds

Compression formats Benchmark
See: for example. Do some serious benchmarking from the commandline. This will write to a file with the time it took to compress n bytes to the file (increasing by 1). Run: $ gnuplot -persist

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