Commands by xro (4)

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Check These Out

give a binary the ability to open ports below 1024 as non root user
Binding a server to privileged port on Linux w/o running as root This is applicable to any service using privileged ports (< 1024), for instance to run a HTTP server on port 80 or a LDAP directory server on port 389 for example.

pip install into current directory without virtualenv
For subsequent commands in the prefixed path: $ PYTHONPATH=$PWD/lib/python*/site-packages ./bin/pip --version

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Remove all subversion files from a project recursively
This command will remove all .svn folder from your project if you need to manual remove the subversion files.

back ssh from firewalled hosts
host B (you) redirects a modem port (62220) to his local ssh. host A is a remote machine (the ones that issues the ssh cmd). once connected port 5497 is in listening mode on host B. host B just do a ssh -p 5497 -l user and reaches the remote host'ssh. This can be used also for vnc and so on.

Your name backwards

Leap year calculation

Cleanup a (source) text file, removing trailing spaces/tabs and multiple consecutive blank lines
I used this command (in addition to a code formatting tool) to "cleanup" a bunch of PHP files

merge vob files to mpg

Install pip with Proxy
Installs pip packages defining a proxy

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