For instance, if people have signed your key, this will fetch the signers' keys.
I sometimes (due to mismanagement!) end up with files in a git repo which have had their modes changed, but not their content. This one-liner lets me revert the mode changes, while leaving changed-content files be, so I can commit just the actual changes made.
Only shows files with actual changes to text (excluding whitespace). Useful if you've messed up permissions or transferred in files from windows or something like that, so that you can get a list of changed files, and clean up the rest.
Lists ONLY the files changed by the given HASH/HEAD/list of hashes, etc. The message, commit ID, author, etc. is not included
Best to try first with -n flag, to preview
Uses the last argument of the last executed command, and gets the directory name from it. Use $!:t for the filename alone, without the dirname. Show Sample Output
If you want certain files out of a directory hierarchy, this will copy just the listed files, but will create the directory hierarchy in the new location ($DIR/)
Simply shows virtualhosts enabled, root access not needed (assuming apache2ctl is non-root executable).
Lists virtualhosts currently enabled for apache2, showing the ServerName:port, conf file and DocumentRoot is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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