Commands by abahmeh (0)

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Check These Out

Check a directory of PNG files for errors
Useful for checking if a large number of PNG files was downloaded successfully by verifying the built-in CRC checksum. For incomplete files, the command will print: "00002309.png EOF while reading IDAT data ERROR: 00002309.png" The process is very fast; checking 21,000 files of 5MB in size took only five minutes on a 2011 Intel mobile dual-core.

Record your desktop
That will capture 200 seconds of video at fullscreen 1680x1050 resolution, but scaled down 25 percent, with 15 frames per second.

Convert any sequence of spaces/tabs to single space/tab
Remove empty lines additionally: $ tr -s ' \t\n' 2.txt identical with: $ tr -s '[:space:]' 2.txt To "clean perfectly" a text or code file, You can combine this command with another one: $ while read l; do echo -e "$l"; done 2.txt (= remove all leading and trailing spaces or tabs from all lines of a text file)

Output entire line once per unique value of the first column
Removes duplicates in the specified field/column while outputting entire lines. An elegant command for processing tab (or otherwise) delimited data.

remote diff with side-by-side ordering.
more information: man sdiff

Open screen on the previous command
I often find myself wanting to open screen on whatever command I'm currently running. Unfortunately, opening a fresh screen session spawns a new bash session, which doesn't keep my history, so calling screen directly with the previous command is the only way to go.

Find the package that installed a command

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Url Encode
Converts reserved characters in a URI to their percent encoded counterparts. Alternate python version: $ echo "$url" | python -c 'import sys,urllib;print urllib.quote('

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