Check These Out
If you want a password length longer than 6, changing the -c6 to read -c8 will give you 8 random characters instead of 6. To end up with a line-feed, use this with echo:
# echo `< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c6`
Modern systems need higher strenght, so add some special characters:
# < /dev/urandom tr -dc '12345!@#$%qwertQWERTasdfgASDFGzxcvbZXCVB' | head -c8
--max-speed=x, -s x
You can specify a speed (bytes per second) here and Axel will
try to keep the average speed around this speed. Useful if you
don?t want the program to suck up all of your bandwidth.
To show ipv6 instead, use [[ -6 ]] instead of [[ -4 ]]
$ip -o -6 a s | awk -F'[ /]+' '$2!~/lo/{print $4}'
To show only the IP of a specific interface, in case you get more than one result:
$ip -o -4 a s eth0 | awk -F'[ /]+' '$2!~/lo/{print $4}'
$ip -o -4 a s wlan0 | awk -F'[ /]+' '$2!~/lo/{print $4}'
There was another line that was dependent on having un-named screen sessions. This just wouldn't do. This one works no matter what the name is. A possible improvement would be removing the perl dependence, but that doesn't effect me.
Say your dependencies specified in your Makefile (or dates on your source files) is causing 'make' to
skip some source-files (that it should not) or on the other other end, if it is causing make to always build some source-files regardless of dates of target, then above command is handy to find out what 'make' thinks of your date v/s target date-wise or what dependencies are in make's view-point.
The egrep part removes the extra noise, that you might want to avoid.
Read this before you down voting and comment that it is not working -> Wont work on latest versions ~75> since database file is locked and has to be decrypted. This is useful if you have an old hdd with a chrome installation and want to decrypt your old passwords fast.
Rotates log files with "gz"-extension in a directory for 7 days and enumerates the number in file name.
i.e.: logfile.1.gz > logfile.2.gz
I needed this line due to the limitations on AIX Unix systems which do not ship with the rename command.
Fdiff will run the command given by the first argument against the input files given as the second and third arguments, and diff the results.
It will use 'diff' as the default diff program, but this can be changed by setting $DIFFCMD, e.g.
$ export DIFFCMD=vimdiff;
$ fdiff zcat 0716_0020005.raw.gz 0716_0030005.raw.gz
This function will work under bash, but requires the use of command substitution, which is not available under a strict ANSI shell.