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Check These Out

Remove blank lines

for too many arguments by *
$ grep ERROR *.log -bash: /bin/grep: Argument list too long $ echo *.log | xargs grep ERROR /dev/null 20090119.00011.log:DANGEROUS ERROR

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

Skype conversation logs to IRC-format logs

bash: display disks by id, UUID and HW path
Shows a tree of the disks. Requires "tree"

Another way to see the network interfaces
Like many other thing in Linux ,you can see the same thing in different way.

List top 20 IP from which TCP connection is in SYN_RECV state
List top 20 IP from which TCP connection is in SYN_RECV state. Useful on web servers to detect a syn flood attack. Replace SYN_ with ESTA to find established connections

Recursive Search and Replace
Finds the string in every file in an entire directory and all its subdirectories and replaces it with a new string. Especially useful when changing a machine's IP address or hostname - run it on /etc.

Run netcat to server files of current folder

Limit the transfer rate of a pipe with pv
-L RATE, --rate-limit RATE Limit the transfer to a maximum of RATE bytes per second. A suffix of "k", "m", "g", or "t" can be added to denote kilobytes (*1024), megabytes, and so on. It must be an integer.

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