Commands by ddoll1234 (0)

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Determine configure options used for MySQL binary builds
Output is from Debian Lenny

test for ksh/bash
Dave Korn gave me this one. It works because ksh allows variable names ( w/o the $name syntax ) used by sh and bash. I wrote it to permit "single source" shell libraries; the current objective: every shell library may be sourced by either shell. see

convert a line to a space

Determine whether a CPU has 64 bit capability or not
Check if you have 64bit by looking for "lm" in cpuinfo. lm stands for "long mem". This can also be used without being root.

Periodically run a command without hangups, and send the output to your e-mail
Run "ps -x" (process status) in the background every hour (in this example). The outputs of both "nohup" and "ps -x" are sent to the e-mail (instead of nohup.out and stdout and stderr). If you like it, replace "ps -x" by the command of your choice, replace 3600 (1 hour) by the period of your choice. You can run the command in the loop any time by killing the sleep process. For example $ ps -x 2925 ? S 0:00.00 sh -c unzip >/dev/null 2>&1 11288 ? O 0:00.00 unzip 25428 ? I 0:00.00 sleep 3600 14346 pts/42- I 0:00.01 bash -c while true; do ps -x | mail (...); sleep 3600; done 643 pts/66 Ss 0:00.03 -bash 14124 pts/66 O+ 0:00.00 ps -x $ kill 25428 You have mail in /mail/(...)

restoring some data from a corrupted text file
man tac When there is a bad block in the middle of your file, you can see its begninning with `cat' and its end with `tac'. But both commands terminates with an error. So this sequence rebuilds a new file without badblock.

Every Nth line position # (SED)
sed extract every nth line. Generic is: $ sed -n 'STARTPOSITION,${p;n;*LINE}' foo where n;*LINE = how many lines. thus p;n;n; is "for every 3 lines" and p;n;n;n;n; is "for every 5 lines"

Install pip with Proxy
Installs pip packages defining a proxy

list files recursively by size

Print a row of characters the width of terminal
Unlike other methods that use pipes and exec software like tr or sed or subshells, this is an extremely fast way to print a line and will always be able to detect the terminal width or else defaults to 80. It uses bash builtins for printf and echo and works with printf that supports the non-POSIX `-v` option to store result to var instead of printing to stdout. Here it is in a function that lets you change the line character to use and the length with args, it also supports color escape sequences with the echo -e option. $ function L() { local l=; builtin printf -vl "%${2:-${COLUMNS:-`tput cols 2>&-||echo 80`}}s\n" && echo -e "${l// /${1:-=}}"; } With color: $ L "`tput setaf 3`=" 1. Use printf to store n space chars followed by a newline to an environment variable "l" where n is local environment variable from $COLUMNS if set, else it will use `tput cols` and if that fails it will default to 80. 2. If printf succeeds then echo `$l` that contains the chars, replacing all blank spaces with "-" (can be changed to anything you want). From:

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