Commands by gfnyt1 (0)

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Check These Out

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Launch firefox on a remote linux server
Actually 'firefox' is a script that then launches the 'firefox-bin' executable. You need to specify the 'no-remote' option in order to launch remote firefox instead of your local one (this drove me crazy time ago)

Convert a string to

Retrieve a random command from the API
Seeing that we get back plain text anyway we don't need lynx. Also the sed-part removes the credit line.

list files recursively by size

get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
a little bit smarter & i only want .de domains, so .....

Best option set for 7zip compression of database dumps or generic text files
These re the best option combination that works fine for compressing my database dumps. It's possible that there are another option or value that might improve the compression ratio, by these are the ones that worked, the syntax for 7zr it's a little messy...

Write and read HDD external
Write and read HDD external FreeBSD

List the CPU model name
Extracts the model name of the CPU and displays it on screen.

Get the serial numbers from HP RAID
This dumps serial numbers of all the drives but HP warranty check does not say they are valid ...

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