Commands by hammadamir90 (0)

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Install pip with Proxy
Installs pip packages defining a proxy

Remove duplicate rows of an un-sorted file based on a single column
The command (above) will remove any duplicate rows based on the FIRST column of data in an un-sorted file. The '$1' represents a positional parameter. You can change both instances of '$1' in the command to remove duplicates based on a different column, for instance, the third: $ awk '{ if ($3 in stored_lines) x=1; else print; stored_lines[$3]=1 }' infile.txt > outfile.txt Or you can change it to '$0' to base the removal on the whole row: $ awk '{ if ($0 in stored_lines) x=1; else print; stored_lines[$0]=1 }' infile.txt > outfile.txt ** Note: I wouldn't use this on a MASSIVE file, unless you're RAM-rich ;) **

Create a DOS floppy image
mount with: mount -t msdos -o loop ./floppy.img /tmp/mnt

remove ^M characters from file using sed
removing ^M characters from file with sed

convert MTS video file format into xvid/mp3 avi format

date offset calculations
The date command does offset calculations nicely, handles concepts like "a month" as you'd expect, and is good for offsets of at least 100M years in either direction.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Burn CD/DVD from an iso, eject disc when finished.
cdrecord -scanbus will tell you the (x,y,z) value of your cdr (for example, mine is 3,0,0)

Get Shellcode from ARM Binaries
Getting shellcode from ARM binaries - @OsandaMalith

Function to output an ASCII character given its decimal equivalent

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