Commands by jackma (0)

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Check These Out

Count to 65535 in binary (for no apparent reason)
Yes, it's useless.

Converts all pngs in a folder to webp using all available cores
As an alternative to the above command, this one ditches the unnecessary and complicated for loop in favor of a way faster multi-core approach for a task that's more CPU than I/O intensive, making it a perfect suite for GNU parallel

Convert spaces in file names to underscores

Slow Down Command Output
( Or $ ls -lat|lolcat -a if you like it in technicolor - apt install lolcat if needed )

Print a list of the 30 last modified mp3s sorted by last first

Backup a filesystem to a remote machine and use cstream to throttle bandwidth of the backup
This command will nicely dump a filesystem to STDOUT, compress it, encrypt it with the gpg key of your choice, throttle the the data stream to 60kb/s and finally use ssh to copy the contents to an image on a remote machine.

Get your current Public IP

Remove last line from files recursively
Used this command recently to remove the trailing ?> from all the files in a php project, which has having some unnecessary whitespace issues. Obviously, change *.php to whatever you'd like.

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Top 30 History Command line with histogram display

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