Commands by kesoryse0 (0)

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Check These Out

set your screensaver as your desktop background MAC OSX

Grep syslog today last hour
Uses date to grep de logfile for today and uses it to get the last hour logs. Can be used to get last minute logs or today's logs.

Check if *hardware* is 32bit or 64bit
This command tell you if your hardware is 32 or 64 bits even if you install a 32bits OS on a 64 bits hardware. If your distro don't support the -q switch, try doing : $ grep &>/dev/null '\' /proc/cpuinfo && echo 64 bits || echo 32 bits

Print the current time on the whole screen, updated every second now also supports reading stdin continuously to update what it shows, different ?slides? separated by a form feed character. Here, we feed the current time into it each second to create a large clock.

Get the size of all the directories in current directory
OSX's BSD version of the du command uses the -d argument instead of --max-depth.

Sort files in folders alphabetically
Creates one letter folders in the current directory and moves files with corresponding initial in the folder.

view the system memory in clear text
see what's in your memory right now... sometimes you find passwords, account numbers and url's that were recently used. Anyone have a safe command to clear the memory without rebooting?

Include a remote file (in vim)
Like vim scp://yourhost//your/file but in vim cmds.

Convert CSV to JSON - Python3 and Bash function
Based / Inspired by malathion's below command Is written for python3 and is very easy to use csv2json *csv will convert all files ending in csv to json eg csv2json file.csv will output a file to file.json Validity of json tested in python3 and below site

Monitor incoming connections of proxies and balancers.
Maybe this will help you to monitor your load balancers or reverse proxies if you happen to use them. This is useful to discover TIME OUTS and this will let you know if one or more of your application servers is not connected by checking.

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