Check These Out
Gives you a list for all installed chrome (chromium) extensions with URL to the page of the extension.
With this you can easy add a new Bookmark folder called "extensions" add every URL to that folder, so it will be synced and you can access the names from every computer you are logged in.
Only tested with chromium, for chrome you maybe have to change the find $PATH.
Was playing with the shell. It struck to me, just by rearranging the parameters, i was able to remember what they did and in a cool way.
Enter the 'hitlar' mode.
bash-3.2$ ls -hitlar
Shows all items with inodes, in list view, human readable size, sorted by modification time in reverse,
bash-3.2$ ls -Fhitlar
Shows the same with classification info. Add the hitlar mode alias to your .bashrc.
bash-3.2$ echo "alias hitlar='ls -Fhitlar'" >> ~/.bashrc
bash-3.2$ hitlar
bash-3.2$ hitlar filename
Friday is the 5th day of the week, monday is the 1st.
Output may be affected by locale.
This create an array 'a' with wole lines. only one occurrence of each line - Not Get lines ++ !
Restarts the XAPI service on the host, mostly used by Xen Center. It does not affect any running VMs, just the Xen client tools that may be connected. On my list as XAPI frustratingly keeps running out of memory and getting killed off.
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.
Trace python statement execution and syscalls invoked during that simultaneously
alt + number + dot will insert last command argument at $number place, alt + 0 + . will print last command name. For example
$ ls /tmp /var
$ ls /usr /home
alt + 1 + . will result in '/usr' , if you press alt + . again, it will result in '/tmp'
alt + 0 + . -> 'ls'
Generates a TV noise alike output in the terminal. Can be combined with