Commands by sofiashetty7 (0)

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What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Get a facebook likes quantity from CLI
Replace the with your URL, for example and it will show likes number

Rename all .jpeg and .JPG files to .jpg

Mplayer save stream to file
To save any streaming url content to a file.

Let's make screen and ssh-agent friends
When you start screen as `ssh-agent screen`, agent will die after detatch. If you don't want to take care about files when stored agent's pid/socket/etc, you have to use this command.

Takes IP from web logs and pipes to iptables, use grep to white list IPs.. use if a particular file is getting requested by many different addresses. Sure, its already down pipe and you bandwidth may suffer but that isnt the concern. This one liner saved me from all the traffic hitting the server a second time, reconfigure your system so your system will work like blog-post-1.php or the similar so legitimate users can continue working while the botnet kills itself.

Create cheap and easy index.html file
If your admin has disabled Apache's directory index feature but you want to have a cheap way to enable it for one folder, this command will just create an index.html file with a link to each file in the directory (including the index.html file, which is not ideal but makes the command much simpler). The HTML isn't even remotely compliant, but it could easily be improved on. Also, the command needs to be run each time a file is added or removed to update the index.html file.

bash auto-complete your screen sessions
this bash command sets it so that when you type "screen ", it searches your running screens, and present valid auto-complete choices. The output is . Note: You must have programmable completion enabled. Check with "shopt progcomp", set with "shopt -s progcomp"

Write comments to your history.
A null operation with the name 'comment', allowing comments to be written to HISTFILE. Prepending '#' to a command will *not* write the command to the history file, although it will be available for the current session, thus '#' is not useful for keeping track of comments past the current session.

Retrieve a random command from the API
Seeing that we get back plain text anyway we don't need lynx. Also the sed-part removes the credit line.

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