Check These Out
Certain Flash video players (e.g. Youtube) write their video streams to disk in /tmp/ , but the files are unlinked. i.e. the player creates the file and then immediately deletes the filename (unlinking files in this way makes it hard to find them, and/or ensures their cleanup if the browser or plugin should crash etc.) But as long as the flash plugin's process runs, a file descriptor remains in its /proc/ hierarchy, from which we (and the player) still have access to the file. The method above worked nicely for me when I had 50 tabs open with Youtube videos and didn't want to have to re-download them all with some tool.
Friday is the 5th day of the week, monday is the 1st.
Output may be affected by locale.
First get a api key for google url shortner from here
Then replace the API_KEY in the command
removing ^M characters from file with sed
I often find the need to number enumerations and other lists when programming. With this command, create a new file called 'inputfile' with the text you want to number. Paste the contents of 'outputfile' back into your source file and fix the tabbing if necessary. You can also change this to output hex numbering by changing the "%02d" to "%02x". If you need to start at 0 replace "NR" with "NR-1". I adapted this from
using `cat` under *NIX - just because you help manage M$ Windoze
*doesn't* mean you should have to resort to using it!
You can also make custom win32 installers with the 7zip "extras" package:
$ cat /path/to/7zSD.sfx /path/to/config.txt /path/to/archive > setup.exe
This simply pulls the password out of the database for the given mail name for ease of use in testing emails that you would not normally have access to.
Instead of typing separate commands to create various subfolders, we can create multiple subfolders by listing them between brackets and separated by commas.