Commands by zzamboni (0)

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Send pop-up notifications on Gnome
The title is optional. Options: -t: expire time in milliseconds. -u: urgency (low, normal, critical). -i: icon path. On Debian-based systems you may need to install the 'libnotify-bin' package. Useful to advise when a wget download or a simulation ends. Example: $ wget URL ; notify-send "Done"

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

Search recursively to find a word or phrase in certain file types, such as C code
I have a bash alias for this command line and find it useful for searching C code for error messages. The -H tells grep to print the filename. you can omit the -i to match the case exactly or keep the -i for case-insensitive matching. This find command find all .c and .h files

Perl Command Line Interpreter
Can also just use the debug mode like this.

Store dirs to later be changed to independant of the last directory you were in. Also with managment tools.
Check out: help dirs help pushd help popd -- Cheers!

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

rename all images in folder with prefix of date and time from exif data
imagemagick is required

Simulate typing but with mistakes
The output will show jerk, then wonderful person since echo parses the \b character.

check open ports without netstat or lsof

Convert entire audio library in parallel
Uses parallel processing Reiteration of my earlier command Usage lc Old_Directory New_DIrectory Old_Format New_Format lc ~/Music ~/Music_ogg mp3 ogg

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