52 13 * * 7 root mount /dev/sda3 /media/da2dc69c-92cc-4249-b2c3-9b00847e7106
53 13 * * 7 knoppix5 df -h >~/df.txt
54 13 * * 7 knoppix5 env DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/gedit ~/df.txt && wmctl -a gedit
55 13 * * 7 root /home/knoppix5/rdiff-backup.sh
line one: as root mount media for backup on Sunday 13:52
line two: as user knoppix5 write out to text file in home directory the free space of all mounted disks on Sunday 13:53
line three: in front of you open and display a very simple text editor (I prefer gedit) with content of previously reported disk usage at Sunday 13:54
wmctl -a gedit means (from the manual):
-a Switch to the desktop containing the window , raise the window, and give it focus.
line four: as root run incremental backup script rdiff-backup.sh as root on Sunday 13:54
my rdiff-backup.sh, with root permissions backups in short time (writes only changes from the last backup) the etire linux system (except excluded - i.e. you don't want backup recursively your backup disk), looks like this (Show sample output):
rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 561 Tra 10 20:59 /home/knoppix5/rdiff-backup.sh . $ cat /home/knoppix5/rdiff-backup.sh #!/bin/bash #uncomment next two lines if you run script manually (not from cron) #mount /dev/sda3 /media/da2dc69c-92cc-4249-b2c3-9b00847e7106 #sleep 3 rdiff-backup --exclude=/run --exclude=/dev --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/media --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys / /media/da2dc69c-92cc-4249-b2c3-9b00847e7106/rdiff-backup && sleep 3 umount /media/da2dc69c-92cc-4249-b2c3-9b00847e7106 # Important: never ever lose your thunderbird mail again - run backup script (e)very soon!
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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df -h | gedit - &
gedit --version
gedit - Version 3.14.3gedit -V
gedit - Version 2.30.4 . "This is a new feature in Gedit. It was introduced in the version that came with Gnome 3.0." ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3864814/how-to-pipe-program-output-in-an-editor )