Check These Out
This is assuming that you're editing some file that has not been wrapped at 80 columns, and you want it to be wrapped. While in Vim, enter ex mode, and set the textwidth to 80 columns:
$ :set textwidth=80
Then, press:
$ gg
to get to the top of the file, and:
$ gqG
to wrap every line from the top to the bottom of the file at 80 characters.
Of course, this will lose any indentation blocks you've setup if typing up some source code, or doing type setting. You can make modifications to this command as needed, as 'gq' is the formatting command you want, then you could send the formatting to a specific line in the file, rather than to the end of the file.
$ gq49G
Will apply the format from your current cursor location to the 49th row. And so on.
That goes into your $HOME/.exrc file.
" Nice macro to reformat lines:
map ^A !}fmt
Note that the ^A has to be input by typing ^V^A.
This command has been used to overwrite corrupted "entries" files of a corrupted subversion working copy.
Note the --files-from input format.
Uses the extremely cool utilities netcat and expect.
"expect" logs in & monitors for server PING checks.
When a PING is received it sends the PONG needed to stay connected.
IRC commands to try: HELP, TIME, MOTD, JOIN and PRIVMSG
The "/" in front of IRC commands are not needed, e.g. type JOIN #mygroup
Learn about expect:
The sample output shows snippets from an actual IRC session.
Please click UP button if you like it!
you could save the code between if and fi to a shell script named with the first argument as and then do a to see if the command succeeded. a bit needless but who cares ;)
Easily convert numbers to their representations in different bases. Passing
"ibase=16; obase=8; F2A"
to bc will convert F2A (3882 in decimal) from Hex to Octal, and so on.
wanna know something about your hardware? how about EVERYTHING?? then this should do ya well
for when a program is hogging the sound output. finds, and kills. add -9 to the end for wedged processes. add in 'grep ^program' after lsof to filter.