Commands by Colin80Duncan (0)

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Check These Out

Remove color codes (special characters) with sed

Mac Sleep Timer
Schedule your Mac to sleep at any future time. Also wake, poweron, shutdown, wakeorpoweron. Or repeating with $ sudo pmset repeat wakeorpoweron MTWRFSU 7:00:00 Query with $ pmset -g sched Lots more at

display typedefs, structs, unions and functions provided by a header file
will display typedefs, structs, unions and functions declared in 'stdio.h'(checkout _IO_FILE structure). It will be helpful if we want to know what a particular header file will offer to us. Command 'cpp' is GNU's C Preprocessor.

Transform a portrait pdf in a landscape one with 2 pages per page
This is an example of the usage of pdfnup (you can find it in the 'pdfjam' package). With this command you can save ink/toner and paper (and thus trees!) when you print a pdf. This tools are very configurable, and you can make also 2x2, 3x2, 2x3 layouts, and more (the limit is your fantasy and the resolution of the printer :-) You must have installed pdfjam, pdflatex, and the LaTeX pdfpages package in your box.

List the size (in human readable form) of all sub folders from the current location
Simple and easy to remember. -h is human, -d1 = depth 1. disk usage, human, depth 1

See system users

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

List all databases in Postgres and their (byte/human) sizes, ordering by byte size descending
Get a listing of all of your databases in Postgres and their sizes, ordering by the largest size first. Requires that you give the -d parameter a valid database name that you can connect to.

tcpdump top 10 talkers
capture 2000 packets and print the top 10 talkers

Rename files in batch

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