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Check These Out

Install a LAMP server in a Debian based distribution
The execution of this command will install a LAMP server (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) in a Debian based distribution. For example, in Ubuntu.

Generate a playlist of all the files in the directory, newer first
I use this to generate a playlist with all the podcasts I listen to. Ordered from most recent to older.

a function to find the fastest DNS server gives a list of online dns servers. you need to change the country in url (br in this url) with your country code. this command need some time to ping all IP in list.

Find all files containing a word
shorter :p

Enter your ssh password one last time
Enter your ssh public key in the remote end for future key-based authentication. Just type your password one last time. The next time you should be able to login with the public key. If you don't have a key, generate one with ssh-keygen. Requires Bourne-compatible shell in the remote end.

Rename files in batch

Format partition with ext4 but without a journal
For slow flash memory (cheap thumb drive), ext4 is the fastest stable file system for all use cases with no relevant exception: Since we can usually dispense with the benefits of a journal for this type of storage, this is a way to achieve the least awful I/O-speed. Disabling the journal for an existing ext4 partition can be achieved using $ tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sdXN Note that it is often recommended to format removable flash media with ext2, due to the lack of a journal. ext4 has many advantages over ext2 even without the journal, with much better speed as one of the consequences. So the only usecase for ext2 would be compatibility with very old software.

Watch postgresql calls from your application on localhost
It's certainly not nicely formatted SQL, but you can see the SQL in there...

backup directory. (for bash)

Makes the permissions of file2 the same as file1
same as the chmod example, but should also copy extended access control list attributes. deliberately stolen from: $man setfacl

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