Commands by corporate_gadfly (3)

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Check These Out

Summarise the size of all files matching a simple regex
Use the find command to match certain files and summarise their total size in KBytes.

shows the full path of shell commands

generate a telephone keypad
seems a useless command ...

Disable WoL on eth0

See system users

journalctl -f
a tail -f variant of systemd journal. Follow the most recent updates or if events are appended to the journal

Check if a remote port is up using (i.e. from behind a firewall/proxy)
Shell function; returns 0 if the port is up, 1 otherwise (check $? after executing). First parameter: IP address/hostname Second parameter: port number There is no error checking for the input parameters.

Change the homepage of Firefox
This command modifies the preferences file of Firefox that is located in .mozilla/firefox/*.default/prefs.js. It edits the file with sed and the -i option. Then it searches the string "browser.startup.homepage", and the string next to it (second string). Finally, it replaces the second string with the new homepage, that is in the example. It doesn't work if you haven't set any homepage.

Create a Multi-Part Archive Without Proprietary Junkware
Leave it to a proprietary software vendor to turn a cheap and easy parlor trick into a selling point. "Hey guys, why don't we turn our _collection of multiple files_ into a *collection of multiple files*!!" Extract the ^above with this: $ cat pics.tar.gz.??? | tar xzv ^extract on any Unix - no need to install junkware! (If you must make proprietary software, at least make it do something *new*) if [ -e windows ]; then use 7-Zip

Re-emerge all ebuilds with missing files (Gentoo Linux)

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