Commands by georgeburkitt (0)

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Check These Out

Show me just the ip address
Sometimes it's useful to output just the ip address. Or some other information, changing the "ipv4.addresses" in command. The power of awk! Show all possible "greps" with $ nmcli connection show [yourInterfaceNameHere]

Print average GPU core temperature

check open ports (both ipv4 and ipv6)

display contents of a file w/o any comments or blank lines

use screen as a terminal emulator to connect to serial consoles
Use GNU/screen as a terminal emulator for anything serial console related. screen /dev/tty eg. screen /dev/ttyS0 9600 MacOSX: Cheat Sheet:

Watch the disk fill up with change highlighting
If you add the -d flag each difference in the command's output will be highlighted. I also monitor individual drives by adding them to df. Makes for a nice thin status line that I can shove to the bottom of the monitor.

a simple bash one-liner to create php file and call php function

Batch rename extension of all files in a folder, in the example from .txt to .md
Same thing using bash built-in features instead of a sub-shell.

Daemonize nc - Transmit a file like a http server
Allow to launch nc like a daemon, in background until you still stop it. You can stop it with kill %1 (jobs method) or kill PID. The -k option can force nc to listen another connection, but if you use redirection, it will work only one time. The loop's inside doesn't do anything, but we can imagine to send a message to screen when a connection is established

Mount a partition from within a complete disk dump
Suppose you made a backup of your hard disk with dd: dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/disk/backup.img This command enables you to mount a partition from inside this image, so you can access your files directly. Substitute PARTITION=1 with the number of the partition you want to mount (returned from sfdisk -d yourfile.img).

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