Commands by jessicaah (0)

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Check These Out

Pulls email password out of Plesk database for given email address.
This simply pulls the password out of the database for the given mail name for ease of use in testing emails that you would not normally have access to.

Create multiple subfolders in one command.

Extract all 7zip files in current directory taking filename spaces into account

Export a subset of a database
Limits the number of rows per table to X

Delete more than one month old thumbnails from home directory
By time thumbnail images in ~/thumbnails take up too much space, this command will help deleting old ones. Find options explained: -type f : find files only, not directories -atime +30 : last accessed more than 30 days ago

Get own public IP address
Plain Text Ip Output, independent of Layout change.

Recursively remove all empty directories

Enter a command but keep it out of the history
Put a space in front of your command on the command line and it will not be logged as part of your command line history.

Benchmark SQL Query
Benchmark a SQL query against MySQL Server. The example runs the query 10 times, and you get the average runtime in the output. To ensure that the query does not get cached, use `RESET QUERY CACHE;` on top in the query file.

Filter IP's in apache access logs based on use
The first sort is necessary for ips in a list to be actually unique.

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