Commands by joker_123 (0)

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Check These Out

The proper way to read kernel messages in realtime.

Get all possible problems from any log files
Using the grep command, retrieve all lines from any log files in /var/log/ that have one of the problem states

Fire CMD every time FILE (or directory) is updated (on *BSD)

Synchronize both your system clock and hardware clock and calculate/adjust time drift
Do not run this command if you already have ntpd running! This needs to run as root, for example with sudo: $ sudo ntpdate && sudo hwclock --systohc && sudo hwclock --adjust This command will fetch accurate time from NTP servers and synchronize your system clock, then it will use the system clock to synchronize your hardware clock, and will calculate the time drift.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

List processes sorted by CPU usage

move you up one directory quickly
Alias a single character 'b' to move to parent directory. Put it into your .bashrc or .profile file. Using "cd .." is one of the most repetitive sequence of characters you'll in the command line. Bring it down to two keys 'b' and 'enter'. It stands for "back" Also useful to have multiple: alias b='cd ../' alias bb='cd ../../' alias bbb='cd ../../../' alias bbbb='cd ../../../../'

Reads a CD/DVD and creates an dvdisaster iso image with the advanced RS02 method.

Clear your history saved into .bash_history file!
Note the space before the command; that prevents your history eliminating command from being recorded. ' history -c && rm -f ~/.bash_history' Both steps are needed. 'history -c' clears what you see in the history command. 'rm -f ~/.bash_history' deletes the history file in your home directory.

Show numerical values for each of the 256 colors in bash
Same as, but for bash. This will show a numerical value for each of the 256 colors in bash. Everything in the command is a bash builtin, so it should run on any platform where bash is installed. Prints one color per line. If someone is interested in formatting the output, paste the alternative.

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