Commands by leschrapid (0)

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Check These Out

List only executables installed by a debian package
I wanted to view only executables installed by a package. This seemed to work. There's got to be easier way, please share. Note: (1) Replace iptables with the package name of your interest (2) The command will trash any existing environment variable named 'lst' (3) Instead if you are interested in viewing just .ko or .so files installed by this package, then that would be easy: $ dpkg -L iptables | grep "\.[sk]o$"

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Remove Thumbs.db files from folders
An alternative which uses the advanced zsh globbing (pattern matching)

Print permanent subtitles on a video
It prints subtitle files in myvideo.avi, saving it in myvideo_subtitled.avi

whois surfing my web ?

SMTP Analysis
This works just as well for SMTP. You could run this on your mail server to watch e-mail senders and recipients: tcpdump -l -s0 -w - tcp dst port 25 | strings | grep -i 'MAIL FROM\|RCPT TO'

Fetch the Gateway Ip Address
Better use iproute2 !

Basic sed usage with xargs to refactor a node.js depdendency

Partition a sequence of disk drives for LVM with fdisk
So, I'm using a CentOS VM in VirtualBox, and created four new disks in the SCSI controller. The VM created the folders: /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd Using a 'for loop' all disks are partitioned for LVM.

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