Commands by milanjoy (0)

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Check These Out

Get the current svn branch/tag (Good for PS1/PROMPT_COMMAND cases)
uses just one sed

Add all unversioned files to svn
No need for grep, let awk do the match. This will not behave properly if the filenames contains whitespace, which is awk's default field separator.

grep -v with multiple patterns.
That's what the sed command should've been, sorry.

Verify MD5SUMS but only print failures
All valid files are withheld so only failures show up. No output, all checks good.

save date and time for each command in history
Date-time format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

Listen to a song from youtube with youtube-dl and mpv
Explanation Firstly the function checks if user gave it any input, and notifies the user if they failed to do so. If user has inputed a search string, the function will call upon youtube-dl to find url of the audio of the first matching youtube video and play that with mpv. Call function by wrapping search string in quotes: listen-to-yt "sultans of swing" You have to paste the line in your .zshrc and source .zshrc for it to work. Limitations The dependancies are youtube-dl and mpv. this oneliner is stolen from

Check which modules your PHP is using

create a progress bar...
A simple way yo do a progress bar like wget.

gets all files committed to svn by a particular user since a particular date
just change the date following the -r flag, and/or the user name in the user== conditional statement, and substitute yms_web with the name of your module

make sure you don't add large file to your repository

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