Commands by rantanplan (1)

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Check These Out

Retrieve "last modified" timestamp of web resource in UTC seconds
This command line assumes that "${url}" is the URL of the web resource. It can be useful to check the "freshness" of a download URL before a GET request.

Clean pacman cache in arch linux, manjaro linux
If not success clean cache and try again Code: [Select]

Encrypted chat with netcat and openssl (one-liner)
client$ while true; do read -n30 ui; echo $ui |openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -a -k PaSSw ; done | nc localhost 8877 | while read so; do decoded_so=`echo "$so"| openssl enc -d -a -aes-256-ctr -k PaSSw`; echo -e "Incoming: $decoded_so"; done This will establish a simple encrypted chat with AES-256-CTR using netcat and openssl only. More info here

Remove old kernel packages

Live stream a remote desktop over ssh using only ffmpeg
Play with the framerate option '-r' to scale back bandwidth usage. The '-s' option is the captured screan area, not the rescaled size. If you want to rescale add a second '-s' option after '-i :0'. Rescaling smaller will also decrease bandwidth.

Print Memory Utilization Percentage For a specific process and it's children
Change the name of the process and what is echoed to suit your needs. The brackets around the h in the grep statement cause grep to skip over "grep httpd", it is the equivalent of grep -v grep although more elegant.

Re-emerge all ebuilds with missing files (Gentoo Linux)

Remove annoying files from recently extracted zip archive
Inspired by .... yet for zip files

tar the current directory wihtout the absolute path
tars the current directory (and its children) in an archive of the same name (plus ".tar" :)) in the parent directory without the absolute path, so that when the archive is extracted, only the current directory name is created for the path. Assumes bash/zsh.

Url Encode
Returns URL Encoded string from input ($1).

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