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imagemagick is required
In this example, file contains five columns where first column is text. Variance is calculated for columns 2 - 5 by using perl module Statistics::Descriptive. There are many more statistical functions available in the module.
Today I needed to choose an icon for an app. My simpler way: put all of /usr/share/icons in myicons folder and brows'em with nautilus. Then rm -r 'ed the entire dir.
This set of commands was very convenient for me when I was preparing some xml files for typesetting a book. I wanted to check what styles I had to prepare but coudn't remember all tags that I used. This one saved me from error-prone browsing of all my files. It should be also useful if one tries to process xml files with xsl, when using own xml application.
vlock command locks the current console by default. Also you can lock all the consoles on the server by using -a parameter. For details, pl man vlock.
ps: Generally speaking , system will not install vlock programme . So you should use ' $ sudo apt-get install vlock ' to install vlock .
First the find command finds all files in your current directory (.). This is piped to xargs to be able to run the next shell pipeline in parallel.
The xargs -P argument specifies how many processes you want to run in parallel, you can set this higher than your core count as the duration reading is mainly IO bound.
The -print0 and -0 arguments of find and xargs respectively are used to easily handle files with spaces or other special characters.
A subshell is executed by xargs to have a shell pipeline for each file that is found by find. This pipeline extracts the duration and converts it to a format easily parsed by awk.
ffmpeg reads the file and prints a lot of information about it, grep extracts the duration line. cut and sed cut out the time information, and tr converts the last . to a : to make it easier to split by awk.
awk is a specialized programming language for use in shell scripts. Here we use it to split the time elements in 4 variables and add them up.
Can also just use the debug mode like this.
Same as above but slooooow it down