Commands by sanjaymathur (0)

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Check These Out

Find the package that installed a command

sort a JSON blob
For situations where you keep JSON in a VCS and you want your diffs to be sane, such as within a Chef configuration repo.

Extended man command
This microscript looks up a man page for each word possible, and if the correct page is not found, uses w3m and Google's "I'm feeling lucky" to output a first possible result. This script was made as a result of an idea on a popular Linux forum, where users often send other people to RTFM by saying something like "man backup" or "man ubuntu one". To make this script replace the usual man command, save it as "" in your home folder and add the following string to the end of your .bashrc file: alias man='~/'

generate playlists from youtube ( or othre things that support yt-dlp)

Get your Firefox history
This is the way to get access to your Firefox history...

Print all /etc/passwd lines with duplicated uid
Prints all the lines in /etc/passwd belonging to users with a duplicated uid. It also adds the hostname to the beginning of the line. It's been tested in AIX, Solaris and Linux.

Convert tab separate file (TSV) to JSON with jq
With this command you can convert a tab separate file (TSV) into a JSON file with jq. For example, this input.tsv i-0b9adca882e5e6326 i-088dd69e5c3624888 i-0e70eac180537d4aa will produce the showed output.

Get count of kilobytes brew cleanup would free

Show all listening and established ports TCP and UDP together with the PID of the associated process
Easy to remenber. Fot TCP only use: netstat -plant

Extract content between the first " and the last " double quotes
Thanks to this user:

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