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grep [n]ame
To avoid messing around with strings, I opted forgrep [^]]name
Lines 4,5,6: Very interesting, but that's a lot of characters in printf! I thought about using sed to split up the ps output, then you don't need the while loop. Line 14: What's that grep for? The only thing it /could/ do is filter out blank lines. The ps output doesn't have any blanks, so I left out grep. Line 14: less -iE. If you like those options, then you're better off setting the environment variable LESSexport LESS=-ie
Line 14,15 and 17,18 and 20,21. You don't need a ; at the end of the case options if you've got a ;; (saves a few characters). Line 19: You accept 2 or 3 parameters, but it gets very confusing. Line 20: ${3-15} I think you actually meant ${3:-15} i.e. use parameter 3 if it exists, otherwise default to the number 15 (SIGTERM). Line 20: 2>/dev/null Because the _p() function isn't well thought out, this looks a bit ugly. Line 20: sed. This is very strange. You seem to be performing a search on the process ids. If you only use 2 parameters, this doesn't do what you expect and in order to use 3 parameters you *must* give a search string. I dropped this from my version -- sorry, you need to decide what you want. Finally, there's still whitespace that could be removed to save a few characters. Also, everything can be put on one line, even the functions:p() { }; q() { }
Also if you were desperate, you could rename _p to q which would save 3 chars! My version works as yours does:p pattern [signal]
It takes up 146 characters._x(){ ps ax;};_y(){ _x|grep [^]]$1;};_z(){ _y $1|sed 's/ .*//';};p(){ case $# in 0)_x|less;;1)_y $1;;2)X=$(_z $1);[ -n "$X" ]&&kill -$2 $X;;esac;}
I've put it on pastebin, in its expanded form.