Commands by argv (21)

  • 1
    case `uname` in FreeBSD)a=$#; case $a in 2) case $1 in 0) jot $(($2+1)) 0 $2 ;; *) jot $2 $1 $2 ;;esac;esac;esac; # usage: seq 1 4; seq 0 4
    argv · 2012-07-18 22:07:39 4
  • usage: dng BRE [selection] default selection is the last match DNS is ok, but although domainnames may be easier to remember than IP numbers, it still requires typing them out. This can be error-prone. Even more so than typing IPv4 numbers, depending on the domainname, its length and complexity.

    dng(){ local a;a=$(sed '/'"$1"'/!d' /etc/hosts |sed '=;'"${2-1,$}"'!d'|sed '/ /!d');echo $a|tr '\040' '\n'|nl -bp'[0-9]$'|less -E;export dn=$(echo $a|sed 's,.* ,,');export ip=$(echo $a|sed 's, .*,,');echo \$dn=$dn;echo \$ip=$ip;}
    argv · 2012-04-01 23:57:09 3
  • proc lister usage: p proc killer usage: p patt [signal] uses only ps, grep, sed, printf and kill no need for pgrep/pkill (not part of early UNIX) _p(){ ps ax \ |grep $1 \ |sed ' /grep.'"$1"'/d' \ |while read a;do printf ${a%% *}' '; printf "${a#* }" >&2; printf '\n'; done; } p(){ case $# in 0) ps ax |grep .|less -iE; ;; 1) _p $1; ;; [23]) _p $1 2>/dev/null \ |sed '/'"$2"'/!d; s,.*,kill -'"${3-15}"' &,'|sh -v ;; esac; } alas, can't get this under 255 chars. flatcap? Show Sample Output

    _p(){ ps ax |grep $1 |sed '/grep.'"$1"'/d' |while read a;do printf ${a%% *}' ';printf "${a#* }" >&2;printf '\n';done;}
    argv · 2012-04-01 19:46:19 5
  • proc lister usage: p proc killer usage: p patt [signal] uses only ps, grep, sed, printf and kill no need for pgrep/pkill (not part of early UNIX) _p(){ ps ax \ |grep $1 \ |sed ' /grep.'"$1"'/d' \ |while read a;do printf ${a%% *}' '; printf "${a#* }" >&2; printf '\n'; done; } p(){ case $# in 0) ps ax |grep .|less -iE; ;; 1) _p $1; ;; [23]) _p $1 2>/dev/null \ |sed '/'"$2"'/!d; s,.*,kill -'"${3-15}"' &,'|sh -v ;; esac; } alas, can't get this under 255 chars. flatcap? Show Sample Output

    _p(){ ps ax |grep $1 |sed '/grep.'"$1"'/d' |while read a;do printf ${a%% *}' ';printf "${a#* }" >&2;printf '\n';done;}
    argv · 2012-04-01 19:45:17 3
  • this requires the use of a throwaway file. it outputs a shell function. assuming the throwaway file is f.tmp usage: >f.tmp;lso f.tmp > f.tmp; . f.tmp;rm f.tmp;lso -l ... notes: credit for the idea. however his version did not account for the sticky bit and other special cases. many of the 4096 permutations of file permissions make no practical sense. but chmod will still create them. one can achieve the same sort of octal output with stat(1), if that utility is available. here's another version to account for systems with seq(1) instead of jot(1): lso(){ case $# in 1) { case $(uname) in FreeBSD) jot -w '%04d' 7778 0000 7777 ;; *) seq -w 0000 7777 ;; esac; } \ |sed ' /[89]/d s,.*,printf '"'"'& '"'"';chmod & '"$1"';ls -l '"$1"'|sed s/-/./,' \ |sh \ |{ echo "lso(){"; echo "ls \$@ \\"; echo " |sed '"; sed ' s, ,@,2; s,@.*,,; s,\(.* \)\(.*\),s/\2/\1/,; s, ,,'; echo \'; echo }; }; ;; *) echo "usage: lso tmp-file"; ;; esac; } this won't print out types[1]. but its purpose is not to examine types. its focus is on mode and its purpose is to make mode easier to read (assuming one finds octal easier to read). 1. one could of course argue "everything is a file", but not always a "regular" one. e.g., a "directory" is really just a file comprising a list.

    lso(){ jot -w '%04d' 7778 0000 7777 |sed '/[89]/d;s,.*,printf '"'"'& '"'"';chmod & '"$1"';ls -l '"$1"'|sed s/-/./,' \ |sh \ |{ echo "lso(){";echo "ls \$@ \\";echo " |sed '";sed 's, ,@,2;s,@.*,,;s,\(.* \)\(.*\),s/\2/\1/,;s, ,,';echo \';echo };};}
    argv · 2012-01-08 05:48:24 4
  • alternative to tr char '\012' works with sed's that don't accept "\n" allows for multi-char sentinals, while tr(1) only operates on single chars

    case $# in 0) echo usage: $0 pattern ;; *)case $1 in */*)sed ' s,'"$1"',\ ,g';; *) sed ' s/'"$1"'/\ /g' ;;esac;esac;
    argv · 2011-12-30 23:54:12 3
  • for small output only example usage: jobs -l |col1 72

    col1(){ case $# in 0)echo col1 col-length;;*) sed 's/\(.\{'"$1"'\}\)\(.*\)/\1/' esac;}
    argv · 2011-12-30 23:35:29 3

  • -3
    tmpfs(){ cd /;for i in $@;do tar czvf /tmp/$i $i;mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /$i;tar xvzf /tmp/$i;cd ~ ;}# usage: tmpfs etc var
    argv · 2011-12-30 23:27:56 3
  • _ff(){ cd /mnt; echo /mnt/*/* |sed ' s/ \/mnt\//\&/g; '|sed '/'"$1"'/!d'; cd -; } ff(){ case $# in 0) echo "usage: ff glob [sed-cmds] [--|var-name]" ;; 1) _ff $1 |sed = ;; [2-9]) case $2 in --) _ff $1 |less -SN ;; *) _ff $1 |sed -n ''"$2"''|tr '\n' '\040' |sed 's/.*/export '"$3"'=\"&/;s/=\" /=\"/;s/ $/\"/' > $HOME/.ff; case $# in 3) . $HOME/.ff ;; esac; sed ' s/export .*=\"/\$'"$3"' = \"/;' $HOME/.ff;\ ;; esac ;; esac; } v(){ local a=$HOME; sed ' s/export /less -n \$/; s/=.*//; ' $a/.ff > $a/.v ; . $a/.v ; } Another approach using ls(1) lsl(){ _lsl () { ls -l $3 /mnt/*/$1* 2>/dev/null; }; case $# in 0) echo "usage: lsl pat [ls-options|result-no]"; echo "usage: lsle pat [sed-cmds]" ;; 1) _lsl $1 |sed = ;; 2) case $2 in -*) _lsl $1 $@;; *) _lsl $1 |sed 's/.* //; '"$2"'!d; '"$2"'q' > $HOME/.lsl ; export v=$(sed 1q $HOME/.lsl); echo \$v = $v ;; esac ;; esac; } exp(){ echo "%s/\$/ /"; echo "%j"; echo "s/^/export v=\""; echo "s/\$/\""; echo "s/ \"\$/\""; echo "."; echo "wq"; } lsle(){ lsl $1 -1 |sed $2 > .lsl&& exp |ed -s .lsl >&-&& . .lsl&& echo \$v = $v; }

    _ff(){ cd /mnt;echo /mnt/*/* |sed 's/ \/mnt\//\&/g' |sed '/'"$1"'/!d'; cd -;}
    argv · 2011-12-30 23:25:31 5
  • does the -i option open a tmp file? this method does not.

    sedi(){ case $# in [01]|[3-9])echo usage: sedi sed-cmds file ;;2)sed -a ''"$1"';H;$!d;g;' $2 |sed -a '/^$/d;w '"$2"'' ;;esac;}
    argv · 2011-07-27 02:36:53 3
  • usage: mem memcache-command [arguments] where memcache-command might be: set add get[s] append prepend replace delete incr decr cas stats verbosity version notes: exptime argument is set to 0 (no expire) flags argument is set to 1 (arbitrary)

    mem(){ { case $1 in st*|[vgid]*) printf "%s " "$@";; *) dd if=$3 2>&1|sed '$!d;/^0/d;s/ .*//;s/^/'"$1"' '"$2"' 1 0 /; r '"$3"'' 2>/dev/null;;esac;printf "\r\nquit\r\n";}|nc -n 11211; }
    argv · 2011-06-17 06:39:07 6
  • POSIX requires this "string truncating" functionality. might as well use it, at least for very small tasks where invoking sed and using RE is overkill.

    se(){ while read a;do [ "$a" != "${a#*$@*}" ]&&echo $a;done ;} # usage: se pattern # use in place of sed /pat/!d where RE are overkill
    argv · 2011-04-06 03:37:40 5
  • this leaves the cursor at the bottom of the terminal screen, where your eyes are. ctrl-l moves it to the top, forcing you to look up.

    cls(){ printf "\33[2J";} or, if no printf, cat >cls;<ctrl-v><ctrl+[>[2J<enter><ctrl+d> cls(){ cat cls;}
    argv · 2011-04-06 01:51:45 17
  • Sometimes the question comes up: How to get unbuffered tcpdump output into the next program in the pipe? i.e. if your OS forces you to wait for the buffer to fill before the next program sees any of the output If you use -Uw- then you can't use -A (or -X or -XX) at the same time. When the question comes up, I've never seen anyone suggest this simple solution: chaining 2 tcpdump instances.

    tcp(){ tcpdump -nUs0 -w- -iinterface $1|tcpdump -n${2-A}r- ;} usage: tcp '[primitives]' [X|XX]
    argv · 2011-03-07 03:40:11 30
  • some other options: &delay=1000 &mode=links much more with piggybank as scraper works well with your favourite curses or non-curses http clients

    svn co cd ./trunk/xulapp/ xulrunner --install-app && Xvfb :1 && DISPLAY=:1 xulrunner application.ini 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null && wget -O- ""
    argv · 2010-10-16 05:12:11 3
  • Default output-file is "liveh.txt". This uses only BRE, in case you're using an older version of sed(1) that doesn't have support for ERE added. With a modern sed(1), to reduce false positive matches, you might do something like: liveh(){ tcpdump -lnnAs512 -i ${1-} tcp |sed 's/.*GET /GET /;s/.*Host: /Host: /;s/.*POST /POST /;/GET |Host: |POST /!d;/[\"'"'"]/d;/\.\./d;w '"${2-liveh.txt}"'' >/dev/null ;} Anyway, it's easy to clean up the output file with sed(1) later.

    liveh(){ tcpdump -lnAs512 ${1-} tcp |sed ' s/.*GET /GET /;s/.*Host: /Host: /;s/.*POST /POST /;/[GPH][EOo][TSs]/!d;w '"${2-liveh.txt}"' ' >/dev/null ;} # usage: liveh [-i interface] [output-file] && firefox &
    argv · 2010-10-11 01:01:11 3
  • usage examples ls largedir |rd lynx -dump |rd rd < largelogfile

    rd(){ while read a ;do printf "$a\n";sleep ${1-1};done ;} # usage: rd < file ; or ... | rd
    argv · 2010-10-03 04:16:03 3
  • if you use disk-based swap then it can defeat the purpose of this function.

    ram() { for i in /tmp /altroot;do mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $i;done&& for i in /var /root /etc $HOME; do find -d $i |cpio -pdmv /tmp&& mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $i&& mv -v /tmp$i/* $i&& rm -vrf /tmp$i ; done ;} usage: (in rc sequence) ram
    argv · 2010-08-31 08:25:55 4
  • EXAMPLES jb "next sun 12pm" "/bin/sh ~you/" & jb "2010-08-29 12:00:00" "~you/" & jb "29aug2010 gmt" ". ~you/" & jb 12:00p.m. "nohup ./" & jb 1min "echo stop!" & SEE ALSO parsedate(3) strftime(3)

    jb() { if [ -z $1 ];then printf 'usage:\njb <"date and/or time"> <"commandline"> &\nsee parsedate(3) strftime(3)\n';else t1=$(date +%s); t2=$(date -d "$1" +%s) ;sleep $(expr $t2 - $t1);$2 ;fi ;}
    argv · 2010-08-26 23:50:42 3

  • 5
    st() { LDFLAGS=-static CFLAGS=-static CXXFLAGS=-static NOSHARED=yes ./configure $@ ;} usage: st [configure operands]
    argv · 2010-08-20 08:18:56 3

  • 7
    cls(){ printf "\033c";} or, if no printf, cat > c ;<ctrl+v> <ctrl+[>c <enter><ctrl-d> c(){ cat c;} #usage: c
    argv · 2010-08-02 07:27:22 18

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Getting the last argument from the previous command

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Select and Edit a File in the Current Directory
This command displays a simple menu of file names in the current directory. After the user made a choice, the command invokes the default editor to edit that file. * Without the break statement, the select command will loop forever * Setting the PS3 prompt is optional * If the user types an invalid choice (such as the letter q), then the variable $f will become an empty string. * For more information, look up the bash's select command

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