german translation with>
leo words
To use another language other than english, use an option:
leo -xx words
Valid language options:
ch - chinese
en - english
es - spanish
fr - french
it - italian
pl - polish
pt - portuguese
ru - russian
The other language will always be german!
joe@marry:~$ leo hart am Wind segeln ***** Verben ***** ????to sail near the wind |?sailed, sailed?| ?hart am Wind segeln ?? [naut.] [Segeln] ????to sail close to the wind |?sailed, sailed?| ?hart am Wind segeln ?? [naut.] [Segeln] ????to sail on a close reach |?sailed, sailed?| ?am Wind segeln ??[Segeln] [naut.] ????to sail close to the wind |?sailed, sailed?| ?dicht am Wind segeln ?? [naut.] [Segeln] ????to sail near the wind |?sailed, sailed?| ?dicht am Wind segeln ?? [naut.] [Segeln] ***** Adjektive / Adverbien ***** ?? ?close-hauled ?adj. [naut.] ?hart am Wind ==================================================================== joe@marry:~$ leo -fr Mitternacht ***** Substantive ***** ?? ?minuit ?m.??die Mitternacht ?kein Pl. ***** Beispiele ***** ?? ?Il est minuit. ?Es ist Mitternacht. ?? ?La plupart sont partis vers ?Die meisten sind gegen Mitternacht minuit. gegangen.
1. There is no use of '--color=auto' in front of a pipe--instead with '--color=always' grep will mark the section headings. 2. I suppose the use of grep with '-A 900' or '-B 900' respectively a 'dirty trick'--sed can do 'exactly' what we want, however, grep does the nice colouring (see 1.) 3. Cutting of the tail (everthing starting with 'Weitere Aktionen') first leads to no output if leo doesn't no the translation. Show Sample Output
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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lang=es leo Danke sehr
***** Phrasen ***** ?? ??Muchas gracias! ?Danke sehr!lang=es leo Danke sehr
***** Phrasen *****
?? ??Muchas gracias! ?Danke sehr!
Oh, I noticed that some languages (like pl,ru,ch) have an annoying "***** H?ufigste Anfragen der letzten 7 Tage *****" section above the results...leo () {
if [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ]
curl -s "${lang}de/?search=${Q// /%20}" |
html2text |
sed -e '0,/H.ufigste Anfragen/d;/Weitere Aktionen/,$d;/f.r Sie im .berblick:/,$d' |
grep --color=always -EA 900 '^\*{5} .*$'