2015-09-24 00:58:24: Guake! 2015-09-24 00:59:24: Guake! 2015-09-24 00:60:25: Commands matching running program sorted by votes | commandlinefu.com
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sed -n '/ACTIVE_WINDOW(/s/.* //p'
Don't print: sed -n Find /ACTIVE_WINDOW( Search and replace everything up to the last space: s/.* // Print the result: p . Replacing the second grep-cut isn't as easy:sed -n '/"/s/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p'
Find a line with quotes: /" Split the string into before, inside and after the quotes Printing only the middle (parenthesised in the sed regex). . If you were really desperate to save characters, you could also changewhile true; do ... sleep 60; done
towhile sleep 60; do ... done
. Oh, I've just thought of something else. You've parenthesised the commands to group the output, but it isn't necessary. You can move the file redirection onto the while loop:while true; do ... done >> logfile
. That gives us:while sleep 60;do echo -n $(date +"%F %T"):\ ;xwininfo -id $(xprop -root|sed -n '/ACTIVE_WINDOW(/s/.* //p')|sed -n '/"/s/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p';done>>logfile
. Original command 173 characters, new command 153 :-)awk -F\" '/"/{print $2}'
Separate at quotes: -F\" Search for quotes: /"/ Print the second arg: {print $2} .while sleep 60;do echo -n $(date +"%F %T"):\ ;xwininfo -id $(xprop -root|sed -n '/WINDOW(/s/.* //p')|awk -F\" '/"/{print $2}';done>>logfile
139 characters.xprop -root | sed -n '/WINDOW(/p' | sed 's/$/<<</'
_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW): window id # 0x1e00006 One matching line with no whitespace after the window id .echo "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW): window id # 0x1e00006" | sed 's/.* //'
0x1e00006 .xprop -root | sed -n '/WINDOW(/s/.* //p'
0x1e00006 . What do you get for these three commands?xprop -root | sed -n '/WINDOW(/p' | sed 's/$/!!!/'
_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW): window id # 0x1e00006!!!xprop -root|sed -n '/WINDOW(/s/.*#//p'
You'll get 0x1e00006, 0x03 Then this should work:xwininfo -id " 0x1e00006, 0x03"
. Leading to my updated command:while sleep 60;do echo -n $(date +"%F %T"):\ ;xwininfo -id $(xprop -root|sed -n '/WINDOW(/s/.*#//p')|awk -F\" '/"/{print $2}';done>>logfile
xwininfo -id $( echo " 0x2c00020, 0x0" )
This works:xwininfo -id " 0x2c00020, 0x0"
printf ">>%s<<\n" "0x1e00006, 0x123"
>>0x1e00006, 0x123 One argument given to xwininfo .printf ">>%s<<\n" $(echo "0x1e00006, 0x123")
>>0x1e00006, >>0x123 two arguments given to xwininfo .printf ">>%s<<\n" "$(echo "0x1e00006, 0x123")"
>>0x1e00006, 0x123 One argument again. I should have spotted that. . That means if I quote the xprop clause, xwininfo gets one parameter and everybody's happy. Give this a try (if you're not bored yet):while sleep 60;do echo -n $(date +"%F %T"):\ ;xwininfo -id "$(xprop -root|sed -n '/ACTIVE_WINDOW(/s/.*#//p')"|awk -F\" '/"/{print $2}';done>>logfile
while sleep 60;do info=$(xwininfo -all -id "$(xprop -root|sed -n '/ACTIVE_WINDOW(/s/.*#//p')"); echo $(date +"%F %T"): $(ps -o %a p$(sed -n '/Process id:/s/[^0-9]//gp'<<<"$info") | tail -1) \"$(awk -F\" '/"/{print $2}' <<<"$info")\"; done>>logfile
awk '/Process id:/{print $3}' <<< "$info"
. Next ps has an 'h' arg to drop the head, meaning we can get rid of tail. Also, my version of ps doesn't need the letter 'p' before the pid.ps h -o %a $(awk ...)
. That's about all I can do, for now. I had some crazy ideas about using tee and >(...) redirections, but I need to do some work. (I may investigate them tonight). .while sleep 60; do info=$(xwininfo -all -id "$(xprop -root|sed -n '/ACTIVE_WINDOW(/s/.*#//p')");echo $(date +"%F %T"): $(ps h -o %a $(awk '/Process id:/{print $3}'<<<"$info")) \"$(awk -F\" '/"/{print $2}'<<<"$info")\";done
. I've created a couple of Gists: An expanded version of the command: https://gist.github.com/flatcap/ef17a54626092deeb684 . A program (idletime.c) to measure inactivity, to turn your commands into an automatic timesheet tool: https://gist.github.com/flatcap/ac70d95d9fa95a7f951f