Deleted Containers: ecb3a4651163d111b433ffaf72f1c42cd94fa12d540f2cf02114e157b363b50e 0a1b3b6823a702c918bd739f28b536e4e28cdb0ce4ad374bdcfbd9912550d3c9 Deleted Networks: docker-postgres-replication_default Deleted Volumes: 5ebd148a6c8bb809aa6c6576aff77af928b4c33f14ca50a854fabfdeec5d78c6 6d0898fbceadaebcbf5a79afbd9af50812120654a18a6b5229826d20170a12f7 1a270ca0e4951f4cb51f52082c119e5c9a88d421cd086dfd97d8e1d079ef5cb9 Total reclaimed space: 159.3MB
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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