29.8359 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/urlclassifier3.sqlite 4.91797 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/places.sqlite 4.11752 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/Cache/_CACHE_003_ 4.0147 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/XUL.mfasl 2.73011 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/extensions/{000a9d1c-beef-4f90-9363-039d445309b8}/lib/ff35/libgears.so 2.25571 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/extensions/{c45c406e-ab73-11d8-be73-000a95be3b12}/chrome/webdeveloper.jar 2.03915 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/Cache/_CACHE_001_ 2.03215 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/Cache/_CACHE_002_ 1.25815 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/extensions/{DDC359D1-844A-42a7-9AA1-88A850A938A8}/chrome/chrome.jar 0.382812 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/cookies.sqlite 0.191917 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/extensions/{a7c6cf7f-112c-4500-a7ea-39801a327e5f}/chrome/fireftp.jar 0.185547 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/signons.sqlite 0.166023 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/extensions/{582195F5-92E7-40a0-A127-DB71295901D7}/chrome/gmanager.jar 0.149414 MB -- /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/l0ad8wrj.default/ubiquity_ann.sqlite
Just refining last proposal for this check, showing awk power to make more complex math (instead /1024/1024, 2^20). We don't need declare variable before run lsof, because $(command) returns his output. Also, awk can perform filtering by regexp instead to call grep. I changed the 0.0000xxxx messy output, with a more readable form purging all fractional numbers and files less than 1 MB. Show Sample Output
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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pmap $(pidof firefox-bin) | sort -rn --key=2 | grep -v anon
The amounts given are upper limits for the memory consumed, like the "VIRT" field in top. Read more at: http://duartes.org/gustavo/blog/post/page-cache-the-affair-between-memory-and-files