16:28:55.658672 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 3208, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 1500) > ., cksum 0x895c (correct), 1036377452:1036378900(1448) ack 5680651 win 3824 <nop,nop,timestamp 11006873 6395561> 0x0000: 4510 05dc 0c88 4000 4006 f971 c0a8 014e E.....@.@..q...N 0x0010: aa5e c2bd 1c01 e190 3dc5 dd6c 0056 ae0b .^......=..l.V.. 0x0020: 8010 0ef0 895c 0000 0101 080a 00a7 f399 .....\.......... 0x0030: 0061 96a9 ad43 6787 7296 8935 37eb 287d .a...Cg.r..57.(} 0x0040: be03 0742 f3db 68fe f5a4 41ea dc6d 1038 ...B..h...A..m.8 0x0050: 0724 13a2 d40e bddc 69d9 69b3 cf97 4c92 .$......i.i...L. 0x0060: cab5 c992 245f ec50 0c58 3259 57d0 c107 ....$_.P.X2YW... 0x0070: 08ed eddd c5da 06c1 3c95 dee5 1a98 dc74 ........<......t 0x0080: cf84 446a eb30 81ce 7593 2b4e cab5 97c7 ..Dj.0..u.+N.... etc............
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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