mplayer: could not connect to socket mplayer: No such file or directory Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control. Playing /home/hhanff/mp3/Alben/Sunrise Ave/On the way to wonderland/01-Choose to Be Me.mp3.
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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find ~/mp3 -name "*.mp3" | mplayer -playlist - -shuffle -loop 0
does not allow to control mplayer with keyboard any more.... e.g. "next song" by hitting return... :/ Here's a better version which filters out all "audio books":rm -rf /tmp/playlist.tmp && find ~/mp3 -name *.mp3 -not -name 'H?rb?cher' > /tmp/playlist.tmp && mplayer -playlist /tmp/playlist.tmp -shuffle -loop 0 | grep Playing
for i in "$(find . -type d)";do d=( $i/*.mp3 ); files=( "${files[@]}" "${d[@]}" );done; mplayer -shuffle -loop 0 "${files[@]}"
ugly as hell though :DFileAll="$InitDir\\_all.wpl";
open(PLALL, "> $FileAll") or die "Unable to open _all.wpl"; print PLALL $PLHeader; #$FileRoot="$InitDir\\"; #open(PLROOT, "> $FileRoot") or die "Unable to open"; #print PLROOT $PLHeader; sub Read_Dir { my $entry; my $dir = $_[0]; my $prevpath = $_[1]; my $DirLevel = $_[2]; my $DirPL; my $PLOpen="N"; my $PLName; my @Files; my @Dirs; my $wDir; print "\$dir=$dir, \$prevpath=$prevpath, \$DirLevel=$DirLevel\n"; if ( $prevpath eq "" ) { $wDir=$InitDir }else{ $wDir="$InitDir/$dir"; } opendir(DIRID, $wDir) || die "can't opendir $wDir $!"; print "\$InitDir=$InitDir, \$dir=$dir, \$wDir=$wDir\n"; @Files = grep { ( /\.mp3$/ || /\.m4a$/ || /\.wma$/ || /\.aac$/ || /\.aif$/ || /\.flac$/ ) && -f "$wDir/$_" } readdir DIRID; rewinddir( DIRID ); @Dirs = grep { !/^\./ && -d "$wDir/$_" } readdir DIRID; close DIRID; # print "Files ---------------->\n"; # print join(",\n",@Files); # print "Dirs ---------------->\n"; # print join(",\n",@Dirs); #exit 0; print "Process Files array for $wDir\n"; foreach $entry (@Files) { print "working on File - $entry\n"; # print "$PLOpen ,$dir, $InitDir \n"; #next if -l "$dir/$entry"; # symbolic link if ($PLOpen eq "N" ){ print "open playlist /n"; if ($dir eq $InitDir) { $PLName="_root.wpl"; # print "PLName = $PLName\n"; }else{ $PLName="$dir.wpl"; } open(PLDIR, "> $InitDir/$PLName") or die "Can not open $PLName\n"; print "Openned $InitDir/$PLName \n"; $PLOpen = "Y"; print PLDIR $PLHeader; } # # sort $PLNAME - not correct path to file. # if ( $dir eq $InitDir ) { print PLALL $PLData."/$entry\"/>\n"; print PLDIR $PLData."/$entry\"/>\n"; }else{ print PLALL $PLData."/$dir/$entry\"/>\n"; print PLDIR $PLData."/$dir/$entry\"/>\n"; # print "F - $entry \n"; } } print PLDIR $PLTail; close PLDIR; print "\n\nend of files------------------- print "$dir dir array count = $#Dirs\n"; $DirLevel++; foreach $entry (@Dirs) { next if $entry eq "." or $entry eq ".."; # system entries next if "$entry" eq "System Volume Information"; next if "$entry" eq "IndexerVolumeGuid"; print "D - $dir/$entry \n"; print "calling Read_Dir(\$entry,\$dir,\$DirLevel) - Read_Dir($entry,$dir,$DirLevel)\n"; Read_Dir($entry,$dir,$DirLevel); # recurse } } Read_Dir($InitDir,"",0); # our top-level directory print PLALL $PLTail; #print PLROOT $PLTail; close PLALL; #close PLROOT; exit 0;