Check These Out
Often I need to edit a bash or perl script I've written. I know it's in my path but I don't feel like typing the whole path (or I don't remember the path).
Display some text on the wallpaper especially warning messages
Download latest NVIDIA Geforce x64 Windows7-8 driver from Nvidia's website. Pulls the latest download version (which includes beta). This is the "English" version. The following command includes a 'sed' line to replace "english" with "international" if needed. You can also replace the starting subdomain with "eu." "uk." and others. Enjoy this one liner! 1 character under the max :)
$wget "$(wget -qO- "$(wget -qO- "" | awk '/driverResults.aspx/ {print $4}' | cut -d "'" -f2 | head -n 1)" | awk '/url=/ {print $2}' | sed -e "s/english/international/" | cut -d '=' -f3 | cut -d '&' -f1)"
Similar to the original, but is much faster since it only needs to write the last byte as zero. A diff on testfile and will return that they are the same.
Searches for dates on lines by themselves. Uses that date to prepend all rows that contain SEARCHSTRING with the date, until it reaches another line with a date by itself. This fixed an issue with a specific log export where there would be a date, followed by all of the entries for that date.
Use multiple patterns with grep -v. So you can print all lines in a file except those containing the multiple patterns you specify.
Audio convert is a script that uses zenity and lame to transcode virtually any format to any other format provided you have the libraries installed to do so.
Use lsbk (list block) and jq (to manipulate a JSON on the command line) to display partition information:
I often need to send screenshots to other people to explain settings and whatever.
So I created this oneline which I use to create the screenshot with imagemagik, upload it via scp to my server and then the command opens an firefox tab with the screenshot.
The screenshot can be a region or a window.
You just have to replace the parts beginning with YOUR.
probably just like 1204, but uses tee as a filter (+ I actually understand how this one works)