Commands by jtgd (1)

  • The above line is the meat of the script. What I do is have a key in uzbl that puts the current URL into the clipboard (use if I am on the YouTube page) or right click a link to a YouTube page, or however you want to get the URL into the clipboard. With xbindkeys I run this from the keyboard. The script: #!/bin/bash # Get URL from command line arg if given, else use clipboard. if [[ "$1" == "" ]] ; then url=$(xclip -o) else url="$1" fi # Strip it down to remove cruft url="${url%%&feature*}" url="${url%%&list*}" url="${url%%&index*}" # optional zenity --warning --timeout=1 --title="Running mplayer" --text="$url" mplayer $(youtube-dl -f best -g "$url" 2>/dev/null) Show Sample Output

    mplayer $(youtube-dl -f best -g "$url" 2>/dev/null)
    jtgd · 2015-03-16 20:54:27 8

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