Commands by ollietreend (0)

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Check These Out

Clean all .pyc files from current project. It cleans all the files recursively.

clean up memory on linux
where proc filesystem mounted under /proc

Tail a log-file over the network
This one is tried and tested for Ubuntu 12.04. Works great for tailing any file over http.

Comment current line
This should work with different locales. Another post reports

Progress bar for MySQL import
Print out the progress of MySQL import using the pv command. Updates every second.

back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
Use `zless` to read the content of your *rss.gz file: $ zless commandlinefu-contribs-backup-2009-08-10-07.40.39.rss.gz

Prepend section dates to individual entries in a summary log file
Searches for dates on lines by themselves. Uses that date to prepend all rows that contain SEARCHSTRING with the date, until it reaches another line with a date by itself. This fixed an issue with a specific log export where there would be a date, followed by all of the entries for that date.

view the system memory in clear text
see what's in your memory right now... sometimes you find passwords, account numbers and url's that were recently used. Anyone have a safe command to clear the memory without rebooting?

Lists unambigously names of all xml elements used in files in current directory
This set of commands was very convenient for me when I was preparing some xml files for typesetting a book. I wanted to check what styles I had to prepare but coudn't remember all tags that I used. This one saved me from error-prone browsing of all my files. It should be also useful if one tries to process xml files with xsl, when using own xml application.

Search and play youtube videos directly to terminal (no X needed)
Same as other command, however uses youtube-dl internal search (thanks to qoxxxx mentioning this) It does however seem to be a little buggy and youtube-dl crashes sometimes. ## pyt 'Stairway to heaven - Led Zeppelin' pyt 'brain damage - Pink Floyd' No web browser or even X needed. Just a cli and internet connection! mplayer is pauseable and can skip ahead This may break if youtube changes their search html.

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