# newline to space; the whack before dollar-underbar is required
alias nl2space="perl -ne 'push @F, \$_; END { chomp @F; print join(qq{ }, @F) , qq{\n};}' "
# newline to comma; the whack before dollar-underbar is required
alias nl2,="perl -ne 'push @F, \$_; END { chomp @F; print join(qq{,}, @F) , qq{\n};}' "
PROMPT> cat /tmp/foo
# 'tr' does not give a newline after it run. Makes a messy commandline.
PROMPT> cat /tmp/foo|tr "\n" ' '
foo-001 foo-002 foo-003 foo-004 foo-005 foo-006 foo-007 foo-008 foo-009 foo-010 $PROMPT> tr "\n" ' ' /tmp/foo
# 'tr' does not take arguements
PROMPT> tr "\n" ' ' /tmp/foo
tr: extra operand `/tmp/foo'
Try `tr --help' for more information.
# 'nl2space' is a filter and takes arguements, adds a newline after it runs.
PROMPT> cat /tmp/foo| nl2space
foo-001 foo-002 foo-003 foo-004 foo-005 foo-006 foo-007 foo-008 foo-009 foo-010
PROMPT> nl2space /tmp/foo
foo-001 foo-002 foo-003 foo-004 foo-005 foo-006 foo-007 foo-008 foo-009 foo-010
checkfor: have the shell check anything you're waiting for. 'while : ; do' is an infinite loop '$*' executes the command passed in 'sleep 5' - change for your tastes, sleep for 5 seconds bash, ksh, likely sh, maybe zsh Ctrl-c to break the loop Show Sample Output
fcd : file change directory A bash function that takes a fully qualified file path and cd's into the directory where it lives. Useful on the commadline when you have a file name in a variable and you'd like to cd to the directory to RCS check it in or look at other files associated with it. Will run on any ksh, bash, likely sh, maybe zsh. Show Sample Output
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