Commands tagged logcat (1)

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Discovering all open files/dirs underneath a directory
It may be helpful in case you need to umount a directory and some process is preventing you to do so keeping the folder busy. The lsof may process the +D option slowly and may require a significant amount of memory because it will descend the full dir tree. On the other hand it will neither follow symlinks nor other file systems.

while using lxde and being blinded by your laptop screen, you can type:
I'm not sure what apt this is, but it seems to work on most X screens, an is useful for saving power, and not straining your eyes

Play ISO/DVD-files and activate dvd-menu and mouse menu clicks.

df output, sorted by Use% and correctly maintaining header row
Show disk space info, grepping out the uninteresting ones beginning with ^none while we're at it. The main point of this submission is the way it maintains the header row with the command grouping, by removing it from the pipeline before it gets fed into the sort command. (I'm surprised sort doesn't have an option to skip a header row, actually..) It took me a while to work out how to do this, I thought of it as I was drifting off to sleep last night!

Take screenshots with imagemagick

monitor network traffic and throughput in real time
see for all kinds of documentation and screenshots

tail: watch a filelog
-f file(s) to be monitorized -n number of last line to be printed on the screen in this example, the content of two files are displayed

cut audio file

Don't save commands in bash history (only for current session)
Only from a remote machine: Only access to the server will be logged, but not the command. The same way, you can run any command without loggin it to history. ssh user@localhost will be registered in the history as well, and it's not usable.

Sort output by length of line
This provides a way to sort output based on the length of the line, so that shorter lines appear before longer lines. It's an addon to the sort that I've wanted for years, sometimes it's very useful. Taken from my

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