A similar version for Bash that doesn't require cut and shortens the function in a few places. And it uses local variables. (similar to a version by eightmillion in a comment on the another version) Show Sample Output
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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ruler(){ for s in '....^....|' '1234567890';do unset str;while [ ${#str} -lt $COLUMNS ];do str=$str$s;done;echo ${str:0:$COLUMNS};done;}
I think this method is kind of interesting too:ruler(){ for s in '....^....|' '1234567890';do str=$(printf "%$((COLUMNS))s"|sed 's/./'$s'/g');echo ${str:0:$COLUMNS};done;}
ruler(){ local c;for s in '...^^^...|' '1234567890';do unset str;while [ ${#str} -lt $COLUMNS ];do str=${str/^^^/$(printf "%.3d" $c)}$s;c=$[c+1];done;echo ${str:0:$COLUMNS};done;}
....^....1....^....2....^....3 123456789012345678901234567890
I figure that anyone can figure out which hundred they're in, so having the marks accurate to the 10s digit is sufficient... I can grab that by dividing and modding the number by 10. I'll play around with that this weekend. Sputnick -- the idea here is not to create a ruler to measure in inches or centimeters, but rather to measure by characters on the screen. Handy when you're trying to figure out where the start and end positions are for 'cut' for example. FWIW, I believe that there are a couple of generators out there for PostScript rulers and PostScript graph paper. As long as you print these out on a printer which does not scale the image, you will come out with something that you can use to measure in inches or cm.....^....1....^....2....^....3 123456789012345678901234567890
echo ${str[1,$COLUMNS]}
while (( ${#str} < $COLUMNS + 10 ))
ruler(){ local c;for s in '....^....|' '1234567890';do unset str;while (( ${#str} < $COLUMNS + 10 ));do str=${str/|/$(printf "%d" $c)}$s;((c=(c+1)%10));done;echo ${str:0:$COLUMNS};done;}
@eightmillion: You're right, it is fun.