If you want avoid to be annoyed when playing your favourite video files with your video player, first run this command to stash wrong files (and test tricks to play these wrong files). Show Sample Output
This command tell you if your hardware is 32 or 64 bits even if you install a 32bits OS on a 64 bits hardware.
If your distro don't support the -q switch, try doing :
grep &>/dev/null '\<lm\>' /proc/cpuinfo && echo 64 bits || echo 32 bits
See http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcrack/files/pdfcrack/pdfcrack-0.10/
For debian and ubuntu :
sudo apt-get install pdfcrack
You need to install WWW::Mechanize Perl module with # cpan -i WWW::Mezchanize or by searching mechanize | grep perl in your package manager With this command, you can get forms, images, headers too Show Sample Output
That's useful when you're doing some web scraping http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_scraping and you're trying to test your possibly fake user-agent. Show Sample Output
Require lftp and this script to work (adapt path and credentials as needed):
echo $'#!/bin/bash\n# coded by sputnick under GPL 20101007\nlftp -u user,passwd remoteuser@host.tld -e "$(cat)"' > /PATH/TO/ftp-latest; chmod +x !$
You should install qpdf. That way, you can have a copy without any password required.
Example :
LC_ALL=C man less | less +/ppattern
That way, you can make a mix on the fly with the mp3 files in the current directory to make a bunch mp3 file.
Remove everything except that file with shell tricks inside a subshell to avoid changes in the environment.
help shopt
You can use
vim scp://root@example.com//file
too in a simple case.
Perl is installed by default on most modern OS when jot is not. Show Sample Output
You have to do that before :
cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/<YOUR PROFILE>
Require bash. If you use something else, you may use
echo <CODE> | python
Forked from ArkSeth python script.
That works in all softs, CLI or GUI... I don't want to waste time to all the time typing the same stuff . So, I have that command in my window manager shortcuts ( meta+l ). All the window managers have editable shortcuts AFAIK. If not, or you don't want to use it that way, you can easily use the xbindkeys soft.
I you're using kde4, you can run :
then open "inputs actions" and create a new shortcut.
For Gnome take a look there : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-create-keyboard-shortcuts-in-gnome/
A more advanced one, with strings and newlines :
xvkbd -xsendevent -text "---8<-----\nToday date is: $(date +%Y%m%d)\n---8<-----"
For complicated or long paste, you can feed xvkbd with a file :
xvkbd -xsendevent -file <file>
You can simulate ^C ( control+c ) too or others combinations of keys :
xvkbd -text "\C\Ac"
There's no man page nor help ( On my Archlinux distro ), but you can see online doc there : http://homepage3.nifty.com/tsato/xvkbd/
Show Sample Output
man 5 shadow
I think it's more reliable, because
passwd -S
dont show "locked" but "L" as second field on my Archlinux for a particular user.
( unixhome alternative ).
Then hit ^C to stop, get the file by scp, and you can now use wireshark like this :
wireshark /tmp/sniff.pcap
If you have tshark on remote host, you could use that :
wireshark -k -i <(ssh -l root <REMOTE HOST> tshark -w - not tcp port 22)
The last snippet comes from http://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/Pipes
Show Sample Output
If you want all the URLs from all the sessions, you can use :
perl -lne 'print for /url":"\K[^"]+/g' ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/sessionstore.js
Thanks to tybalt89 ( idea of the "for" statement ).
For perl purists, there's JSON and File::Slurp modules, buts that's not installed by default.
Thanks to comment if that works or not...
If you have already typed that snippet or you know you already have IO::Interface::Simple perl module, you can type only the last command :
perl -e 'use IO::Interface::Simple; my $ip=IO::Interface::Simple->new($ARGV[0]); print $ip->address,$/;' <INTERFACE>
( The first perl command will install the module if it's not there already... )
For debian likes, that's in python-xml package.
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