echo 'Hey, it works...' > fooy.txt alias cat='somebunk -fFnrACesvVwwwwwlRQ +1337 --awesome-mode-engaged=1' cat fooy.txt bash: somebunk: command not found \cat fooy.txt Hey, it works...
e.g. if rm is aliased for 'rm -i', you can escape the alias by prepending a backslash: rm [file] # WILL prompt for confirmation per the alias \rm [file] # will NOT prompt for confirmation per the default behavior of the command
say, someone has aliased ls to 'ls --color=always' and you want to temporarily override the alias (it does not override functions) Show Sample Output
Most distributions alias cp to 'cp -i', which means when you attempt to copy into a directory that already contains the file, cp will prompt to overwrite. A great default to have, but when you mean to overwrite thousands of files, you don't want to sit there hitting [y] then [enter] thousands of times. Enter the backslash. It runs the command unaliased, so as in the example, cp will happily overwrite existing files much in the way mv works. Show Sample Output
if you have a alias like this: alias cp='cp -i' # cp file1 file1.bak equal to # cp -i file1 file1.bak (it will not overwrite file1.bak if it exist) # \cp file1 file1.bak equal to # /bin/cp file1 file1.bak (skip alias settings, it will overwrite file1.bak if it exist)
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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