Check These Out
Starts the cursor on line X of file foo. Useful for longer files in which it takes a long time to scroll. If X is greater than the number of lines in file foo, it will go to the last existing line.
This script creates date based backups of the files. It copies the files to the same place the original ones are but with an additional extension that is the timestamp of the copy on the following format: YearMonthDay-HourMinuteSecond
this string of commands will release your dhcp address, change your mac address, generate a new random hostname and then get a new dhcp lease.
If you're trying to create a sparse file, you can use dd by 'skip'ing to the last block instance.
ls -ls shows the actual size vs. the reported size
Faster then other method using wget
For obtain all commands use
$nu=`curl |grep -o "Terminal - All commands -.*results$" | grep -oE "[[:digit:],]{4,}" | sed 's/,//'`;
$curl[0-"$nu":25] | grep -vE "_curl_|\.com by David" > clf-ALL.txt
For more version specific
$nu=`curl |grep -o "Terminal - All commands -.*results$" | grep -oE "[[:digit:],]{4,}" | sed 's/,//'`;
$curl[0-"$nu":25] | grep -vE "_curl_|\.com by David" > clf-ALL_"$nu".txt
Also download dirctly from my dropbox
My drop box invitaion link is . Use it and get free 2.5 GB space.
I was surprised to find that with RedHat bash, I could not find any comment lines (begining with #) in my bash shell history. Surprised because in Mageia Linux this works. It turns out that RedHat's bash will keep comment lines if in my .bashrc, I define:
export HISTIGNORE=' cd "`*: PROMPT_COMMAND=?*?'
Why have comment lines in shell history? It's a handy and convenient way to make proto-commands (to be completed later) and for storing brief text data that is searchable in shell history.
Adjust the
$ head -c
part for password length.
I use filenames like "" and a vim which automatically decrypts files with .gpg suffixes.