Commands by Trebacz (1)

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Check These Out

Which files/dirs waste my disk space
I added -S to du so that you don't include /foo/bar/baz.iso in /foo, and change sorts -n to -h so that it can properly sort the human readable sizes.

Command line calculator
This opens a python command line. You can use math and random and float-division is enabled (without appending .0 to integers). I just don't know how to specify a standard precision.

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

The Chromium OS rootfs is mounted read-only. In developer mode you can disable the rootfs verification, enabling it to be modified.

Search for in which package the specified file is included.

Live stream a remote desktop over ssh using only ffmpeg
Play with the framerate option '-r' to scale back bandwidth usage. The '-s' option is the captured screan area, not the rescaled size. If you want to rescale add a second '-s' option after '-i :0'. Rescaling smaller will also decrease bandwidth.

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh "cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
You'll want to use this for passwordless logins. Same as ssh-copy-id, if you don't have it on your system.

Watch postgresql calls from your application on localhost
It's certainly not nicely formatted SQL, but you can see the SQL in there...

Remove security limitations from PDF documents using ghostscript (for Windows)
#4345 also works under windows

Using mplayer to play the audio only but suppress the video

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