Commands by bartman75 (1)

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Check These Out

View internet connection activity in a browser
In addition to generating the current connections, it also opens then in your default browser on gnome.

a function to find the fastest DNS server gives a list of online dns servers. you need to change the country in url (br in this url) with your country code. this command need some time to ping all IP in list.

Use a var with more text only if it exists
See "Parameter Expansion" in the bash manpage. They refer to this as "Use Alternate Value", but we're including the var in the at alternative.

Recursively find top 20 largest files (> 1MB) sort human readable format
from my bashrc ;)

execute your commands and avoid history records
$ secret_command;export HISTCONTROL= This will make "secret_command" not appear in "history" list.

Print all open regular files sorted by the number of file handles open to each.
This command run fine on my Ubuntu machine, but on Red Hat I had to change the awk command to `awk '{print $10}'`.

Hide or show Desktop Icons on MacOS
Hides all Files and Folders on the MacOS Desktop. To show files and folders, type "true" instead of "false". "Finder" at the end is case sensitive, "finder" doesn’t work

Convert a SVG file to grayscale
It requires inkscape 0.46 and lxml packages

The Chromium OS rootfs is mounted read-only. In developer mode you can disable the rootfs verification, enabling it to be modified.

Execute most recent command containing search string.
Execute the most recent command containing search string. This differs from !string as that only refers to the most recent command starting with search string.

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